From the jungle to the tribe and from the tribe to the blockchain

You can't fly to the jungle; but you can (escape to Mars or) migrate to the blockchain

To flee from the tribe to the jungle in a process of historical reversal is the first and reasonable temptation. And indeed, it would be the logical process —not without bloodshed— if all humans, or a very large majority of them, could agree with each other. But They keep you very entertained with social networks, trash television and subsidies, the panem et circenses of Western governments today formed (with some exceptions) by the woke left which (under the masks of socialists, social democrats or democrats supported by the once needy minorities now converted into groups of green or nationalist perversion) spreads that woke mind virus that is a real threat to human civilisation. These woke governments are real machines for shaping wimpy subjects with wimpier brains; subjects between useless and crybabies who get depressed (literally) for not being able to carry a fifteen hundred US dollar iPhone in their pockets; in short, subjects who shy away from effort and, therefore, also from the effort of thinking.

And when those entertainments flag, They bend your cowardly and comfortable (sleeping) minds by pouring out fear through threats and risks that are either fake, or escalated and taken out of context.

A pandemic of a thousand origins that will decimate the population; a catastrophic climate change put in the mouth of a manipulated girl; dreadful dictators who, as if waking up one morning bored, go and decide to invade Ukraine as a preliminary step to the invasion of Europe, Taiwan and Gaza, regardless of any very complex problems of mistreatment of minorities, historical-territorial or terrorism; a Doomsday Clock that, because of these wars or others to come, will reach midnight with its tricked-out hands on the day when Aesop's hare catches up with Samaniego's tortoise —or, of course, on the day They really want it to; and, in essence, whatever you can think of to keep you scared.

Also those cryptocurrencies and other blockchain projects, of course, that great global scam masterminded by criminals and other despicable and unscrupulous human beings masquerading as technologists. But a scam that ceases to be a scam if —yes— it is They who bring out a stable cryptocurrency —as stable as fiat money is stable with interest rate variations (the price of money), price variations due to inflation, currency exchange rate variations, and so on...— for the sole purpose of removing physical money and thus being able to track everything you do, even what you do in that living room in your house that was once your private space to cool your balls if that's what you liked.

Because They know perfectly well —and it is precisely because They know perfectly well that They don't want you to know— that the blockchain is a world that, at most, They will be able to track to some extent; to some extent that is the same extent, no more, that you can do it by tracking and analysing on chain information with tools like Mempool, Etherscan, Glassnode, etc. —and the fact that They can't do more than you is not only that They don't like it at all, but that They will end up with you insofar as that is or can be the case: don't doubt it.

They know that a return from the tribe to the jungle is as impossible as an exodus from the tribe to the blockchain is possible.

Think about it.

No, it's not demanding the impossible...

Think more about it, please.

To set up a blockchain network, you only need equis connected nodes that share the rules of the same blockchain protocol (operating rules = an apparently only-technological pact that, strictly speaking, transcends technology) with distributed ledger technology (DLT). In other words, you only need equis computers and thinking heads. If the machines access the Internet privately through a virtual private network (VPN), then it is absolutely impossible for Them to dismantle that network as they dismantled that cabin in the jungle in which you poured so much effort and illusion. They may eventually, if it's the case the blockchain protocol is detected, break into your house or wherever the computers are and take them away. But the network can survive and can be reloaded on the Internet exactly as long as at least one copy of it escapes the clutches of Thinkpol.

For example, the In re Ooki case resulted in the CFTC ordering the closure of the DEX Ooki (Ooki DAO), for which it agreed, among other measures, to block the traditional access url. But this only served to make Ooki DAO first migrate and be reborn through a purely decentralised solution via IPFS, and then even provide it with new traditional access url.

They know —and so the CFTC knew— that They cannot deal with any decentralised platform (be it exchange/DEX, financial/DeFi, organisation/DAO, social/DeSo, application/dApp...) because (i) that platform is as much in each and every computer that manages the nodes that make it up, as in none of them: the platform subsists with just one node (or registry) but only exists if there is more than one node.

This is essentially different from any centralised platform: the platform subsists and exists with only one registry (or node). The consequences of this change in subsisting and existing are metaphysical in nature and, as such, severe. They change the way and manner in which humans categorise and thus perceive reality.

Both a distributed ledger technology (a blockchain) and a centralised registry subsist thanks to the registry itself. But the latter exists by the will of one, who creates and governs the registry, while the former exists by the will of all who create and govern the registry.

And (ii), no less important, because it is also impossible for Them to know who the users, token holders or managers of the platform's nodes are as long as they do not interact with the world of flesh and blood, the world outside the blo-ckchain.

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