Satoshi reloaded

Recovering the Satoshi Spirit

In "this" world you can't do (almost) anything without #money. It's sad, but that's how it is. Children are taught "as much as you are, you are worth" so that they make an effort and, if they have, so and if they do not have, so that they can believe that with their work and effort they can achieve their dreams.

If you do not dream, you are dead. And if you dream but don't #believe in what you #dream, you are dead in life.

When #Satoshi conceived the #Bitcoin he was giving us an instrument to believe in our dreams, in the dream of all dreams: #freedom.

Bitcoin could free the human from the power of other humans. But money is terribly powerful. Money perverted, not the Bitcoin, but the function for which the Bitcoin had been conceived. Proof of this is the way and manner in which governments persecute the #cryptoworld.

Under the excuse of a regulation that is sold as a way to protect cryptousers, to protect the market, and things like that as cute as ethereal, what they are really doing is to put fear. A great way to domesticate that, when dressed up as #democracy, is called "governing".

This is how they will first tell you that Bitcoin (cryptoassets) is bad and then create a stable currency in the blockchain, issued by "them". Because they don't want to stop losing profits....

The same dog with a different collar. Do not be fooled. Recover the Satoshi spirit: be an #anarchosatoshi.

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